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Questions about Cheating

Talking about cheating might seem uncomfortable, but it's essential for building a strong foundation of trust and fidelity. By discussing boundaries, past experiences, and what constitutes infidelity for each partner, couples can set clear expectations. This proactive approach helps prevent misunderstandings and reinforces commitment. Addressing the issue openly can also strengthen trust, making both partners feel more secure and respected in the relationship.
  • Is it cheating if your partner develops a crush on someone else, even if they don't act on it?
  • Do you believe that flirting with someone outside the relationship crosses a boundary?
  • Do you think any of these behaviours is a form of cheating?
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Deeper Talks is a couples app that offers questions, exercises, challenges, and tips on a variety of relationship topics.
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Is it cheating if your partner develops a crush on someone else, even if they don't act on it?